Thursday, September 1, 2011

September Gift-giving

               It's a not-so-good start of September for me all thanks to school problems- from failing [a couple of] quizzes to mean professor(s). Thankfully there's always something to lighten  up the atmosphere. What is it? GIVEAWAYS! Yeah, I tried my luck again for another giveaway. It's titled H&M Leather Bands Giveaway by Miss Mar . She's a really sweetie 'cause she's been giving a lot of gifts lately to her avid followers. What makes her more awesome? We share the same first name- yeah even the spelling! Cool right? :))
                Moving on, come and join also! Just click here for more info. The probability of winning is narrow but there's no harm in trying right? Anyway the risk is worth the price. :)

Ta-nan! The leather bands I'm talking about. Who knows? One of these might become yours- or mine. I want the black one :) 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Total Goodness

It's 8 in the evening and it's quiz day tomorrow but who cares? Kidding. But hey, I really spared some time for this oh-some satchel giveaway by the oh-so-good Miss Kileen. What's awesomeness?
I won't get my hopes up tho I'm really hoping to win 'cause i've been wanting to own one- i kinda have fetish over bags. :D 

kileen cute and little TJMaxx Vieta Lucille satchel giveaway

Sunday, August 14, 2011

As Usual

Why does it always have to be a freaking busy monday? :| Tomorrow I have Psych quiz- i haven't reviewed this yet, not a single page- then I have to pass the freaking final report on Physics- gosh! I started doing this at 3pm and i just finished.  look what time is it now!- oh and ain't sure if we have another freaking recitation on Health Eco- the subject where I feel time stand still, and don't ask why or how did it happen 'cause neither do i know. And yeah I really have to say freaking in every phrase 'cause i'm freaking annoyed. Sorry for the language. Gah!

This is whatcha call...DISASTER BED!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Natural Wonders

So I was making dinner last 3rd of August- tofu and ground pork on tomato sauce- and while waiting for the tofu to be cooked, I saw this cute mark on one of them. Isn't it cool? I nearly wanted to pick it out and preserve it. Teehee. 

Do you see what I see?

Friday, August 5, 2011


Yay! Finally I was able to talk to my bestie after a loooooong time via skype, and my first time too. Hihi. Although we've been planning to try skype-ing since mid-summer but oh-well we both were, and still are, busy bodies. Anyway, I think the call lasted for two hours or so. Man, time flies really fast when you spend time with those close to you and people you miss- whatever type of communication it is. 

Eyva. Yeah she doesn't know I print-screen during our convo ((:

I asked her to untie her hair then to tie it again. Hihi. Meanie me.

Monday, August 1, 2011


It's been over a year since I last updated this! I was about to deactivate my account(s) , don't ask what my other account is anymore hihi , but then as I was reading my previous posts I realized it will be a waste to throw them all to oblivion. They're quite good, ha ha, yeah self-appraisal. I actually can''t remember where'd I get such ideas. Anyhow, I'll really really try to update this from now on , for the nth time , despite my kinda-hectic schedule. So yeah, that's all.