Friday, August 5, 2011


Yay! Finally I was able to talk to my bestie after a loooooong time via skype, and my first time too. Hihi. Although we've been planning to try skype-ing since mid-summer but oh-well we both were, and still are, busy bodies. Anyway, I think the call lasted for two hours or so. Man, time flies really fast when you spend time with those close to you and people you miss- whatever type of communication it is. 

Eyva. Yeah she doesn't know I print-screen during our convo ((:

I asked her to untie her hair then to tie it again. Hihi. Meanie me.


  1. You should've asked me to smile instead ahaha! Yay to blogging! :bd

  2. Haha. Candid is better. Next time tho. (:
