Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Total Goodness

It's 8 in the evening and it's quiz day tomorrow but who cares? Kidding. But hey, I really spared some time for this oh-some satchel giveaway by the oh-so-good Miss Kileen. What's awesomeness?
I won't get my hopes up tho I'm really hoping to win 'cause i've been wanting to own one- i kinda have fetish over bags. :D 

kileen cute and little TJMaxx Vieta Lucille satchel giveaway

Sunday, August 14, 2011

As Usual

Why does it always have to be a freaking busy monday? :| Tomorrow I have Psych quiz- i haven't reviewed this yet, not a single page- then I have to pass the freaking final report on Physics- gosh! I started doing this at 3pm and i just finished.  look what time is it now!- oh and ain't sure if we have another freaking recitation on Health Eco- the subject where I feel time stand still, and don't ask why or how did it happen 'cause neither do i know. And yeah I really have to say freaking in every phrase 'cause i'm freaking annoyed. Sorry for the language. Gah!

This is whatcha call...DISASTER BED!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Natural Wonders

So I was making dinner last 3rd of August- tofu and ground pork on tomato sauce- and while waiting for the tofu to be cooked, I saw this cute mark on one of them. Isn't it cool? I nearly wanted to pick it out and preserve it. Teehee. 

Do you see what I see?

Friday, August 5, 2011


Yay! Finally I was able to talk to my bestie after a loooooong time via skype, and my first time too. Hihi. Although we've been planning to try skype-ing since mid-summer but oh-well we both were, and still are, busy bodies. Anyway, I think the call lasted for two hours or so. Man, time flies really fast when you spend time with those close to you and people you miss- whatever type of communication it is. 

Eyva. Yeah she doesn't know I print-screen during our convo ((:

I asked her to untie her hair then to tie it again. Hihi. Meanie me.

Monday, August 1, 2011


It's been over a year since I last updated this! I was about to deactivate my account(s) , don't ask what my other account is anymore hihi , but then as I was reading my previous posts I realized it will be a waste to throw them all to oblivion. They're quite good, ha ha, yeah self-appraisal. I actually can''t remember where'd I get such ideas. Anyhow, I'll really really try to update this from now on , for the nth time , despite my kinda-hectic schedule. So yeah, that's all.